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International Exchange Students Supervised by Beran
Paul and his two sons after their Martial Arts Practice.
Supporting the Truckers!
Beran Created and Managed this 100-Year Celebration!
Paul Beran on the White House Business Council
Paul Beran Meets with the CIO of the US
Beran Organized the Biggest Yard Sale EVER!

Over 50-Years of
Community Service

Beran as a Teenager, conducting a live interview.

FROM AN EARLY AGE, Paul Beran was heavily involved in his community, church, political activism and boy scouts.  Single father of two (now adult) sons, Paul always found time for his church, local community, political party, school and neighborhood.


WHITE HOUSE RECOGNITION  Paul's leadership was noticed at the highest level!  Beran was invited to the White House Business Council in 2013.  "I had differing viewpoints from the Obama administration, but it still was an honor to serve our country.  It was a privilege to meet our President face-to-face and shake his hand."  


RECOGNIZED BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, Paul's valued contributions to the support of the Separated & Divorced Ministry, as well as Single Parenthood over the span of  ten (10) years, culminated in his being asked in 2002 by, then, Bishop Donald Wuerl to join the Committee tasked with constructing a response to the "Sex Abuse by Priests" scandal.  Beran outlined various steps the church could take to:

  • Assist victims at whatever stage in life they were progressing. 

  • Spot signs where abuse could be happening. 

  • How individuals could report any suspicious activity. 

  • What individuals (clergy or otherwise) could do to curb any possible temptations that may occur from time-to-time.


CELEBRATING 100-YEARS!  is a pretty big deal!  The Mayor of Brentwood PA asked, "Paul, you're in Marketing, right?"  To which I replied, "Yes, sir."  He went on to ask, "Did you know Brentwood will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in just a few months?"  I responded, "I've lived here for 26-years...yet I had no idea."  He said, "Well, that's the problem."  He requested my assistance in letting everyone know in the district of our 100th anniversary, yet offered $0 tax dollars to support the effort.  "In other words, you want me to recruit local businesses to fund a 100th anniversary campaign?"  I agreed. 


"Believe in Brentwood!" lasted almost an entire year, was fully funded without a single penny of tax dollars, and everyone joined the massive Centennial Celebration:  t-shirts, discount cards, prize giveaways, concert, fireworks, door hangers, electronic super-sized highway billboards, and more!  Even local churches offered their signs:  "We Believe in the Father, Son, Holy Spirit...and Brentwood!" 


TERRIFYING MINE SUBSIDENCE:  Three months to the day when Beran moved in to the neighborhood, the earth moved...literally!  The road sank 24" in the center, and the length and width of a football field.  Driveways, yards, sidewalks and shrubbery were all at risk, as well as the foundations of two homes.  Beran leaped into action.  Quickly he formed "C.R.A.M.S." -- Concerned Residents Against Mine Subsidence. 


The buzz was all over local TV, radio newspaper, and even the Wall-Street Journal.  Beran "Crammed" it to them!  Even before the first full-community meeting could be organized, Beran secured enough Federal funding for a complete reclamation project pumping cement and fly ash into to mine shafts below.  Beran's kitchen provided the Chief Geologist of the Office of Surface Mining a base of operations for the four (4) months it took to completely reclaim the project.


"NOT IN MY BACKYARD!"  (N.I.M.B.Y.)  Walmart and Sam's Club wanted to move the end of Paul's cul de sac!  "Stop saying Not in My Backyard, Mr, Beran!" is what Beran heard frequently as he registered his complaint with the local zoning board that insisted he needed to SIT DOWN!  His protests were heard, but ignored.  "Walmart and Sam's Club will be building their new stores at the end of your cul de sac, and there's nothing you can do about it!"  What these local politicians didn't know was, Beran's political relationships run deep.  The project was ultimately abandoned once county officials learned that so many homes would be adversely affected by the new development, and that Beran also lived there. Once again, "Paul Beran" to the rescue!


"SECOND WIND!"  The sad statistic of "half all marriages end in divorce" caught up with Paul when his wife announced she had fallen in love with a man at work.  Sadly, Paul's 10-year marriage came to an abrupt end in 1989, and he sought support from somewhere... anywhere!  When he couldn't find any meaningful support near him, he was determined to fill the void.  Beran founded "Second Wind," an organization of support groups at various churches in the area, all for the support of single parents and divorced individuals.  Beran also started a 12-week program for single parents AND their children called, "Just Me & the Kids!" 


Beran's commitment was fully realized when the local Catholic Diocese embraced Beran's leadership and recruited him to manage their annual diocesan wide "Day of Enrichment."  This ministry lasted for more than ten (10) years.  Paul ultimately resigned his role when he, himself, got remarried to Lynn.  They are celebrating their 17th anniversary August 12th.


SURROGATE DAD for dozens of foreign exchange students living in America through their high school years in preparation for attending college in the United States.  Beran served no fewer than ten (10) students from South Korea and China at a time, providing comfort and guidance while they lived with American families approved and supervised by Paul.  Student performance and behavior were also criteria under Paul's supervision.  Beran's role as supervisor was appreciated by all as evidenced by the fact that several still remain in contact with Paul, even though they've already graduated from college.


NEIGHBORDAY:  Beran launched an annual event in his neighborhood of 18 homes to celebrate friendship, family, and community.  Local businesses contributed game prizes, families provided food, everyone provided fellowship that brought neighbors together.  Only problem was, no one wanted to compete with Paul to take the leadership role.  As long as Paul remained in the neighborhood, "Neighborday" was an annual event!

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