You Want a Supervisor with...
You Want a "Supervisor" Candidate with "SUPER-VISION!"
Paul Beran envisions the day when:
Housing is affordable for all ages and ethnic groups!
You can walk down the street and not be afraid.
You can send your children to school to learn reading, writing, arithmetic, and American History!
You can buy an electric vehicle – or gasoline!
You can state your mind – in person or on-line – without being ‘canceled!’
You can salute the American flag and not be criticized for being patriotic!
You want a Supervisor who can envision things that will improve the lives of every tax-paying citizen. This requires good communication and understanding skills -- but most of all, LISTENING closely to what constituents are saying. I will do that.
Paul Beran brings "Good News" to the Franconia District of Fairfax County.