Help Paul make a difference!
There are many ways to volunteer,
from walking door-to-door to hosting fundraising events.
Yard Sign Request
Get a "Good News" sign for Your Yard!
Simply provide your contact information below, and our team will deliver one to you! We're happy to provide them for free, but feel free to make a donation to assist us with their printing and distribution, if you're able.
Be sure to post yard signs only where legally permissible.
V-DOT offers specific guidelines where political yard signs can be placed so they don't interfere with traffic right-of-way. Never place signs on property that is not owned or managed by you. Owner permission is an absolute requirement.
If you have a question regarding proper placement of yard signs or the correct traffic right-of-way width of your road, please contact:
Department of Code Compliance
12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 1016
Fairfax, Virginia 22035-5508
Phone 703-324-1300
Invite your family, friends and neighbors to your house, public space or favorite restaurant.
Allow Paul to come, meet with you and your guests, exchange ideas, and get to know one another.
Meet & Greet's are a great way to contribute to Paul's campaign while also improving your community!
Coming Soon!
"Good News Giveaway"
There are so many ways to volunteer:
Door knocking. Let Paul's campaign guide you through neighborhoods you already know.
Pass out Paul's literature, at your church, garden party, tea club, women's and men's group, and more.
Make phone calls. Allow Paul's campaign to provide a list of phone numbers and an easy conversation guide.
Create and/or share posts on social media. Help the Good News of our campaign go viral!
Attend Paul's events. Help to attract and excite the crowd. Be the first to applaud and encourage others.
Election campaigns are very expensive: Literature, signs, banners, events and advertising all cost money. Funds typically come from those who wish to see their candidate get elected. Donations can be made by mail, in person, or on-line (click button above.).
Got a product of service valuable to the campaign? Make your contribution "in-kind."
Really cool Incentives for higher donation amount include:
Good News Bear ($500+)
Beran Wine ($1,000+)
This is an award winning wine, the last bottles ever produced!
Join the 'Beran Good News' Campaign
Committee to Elect Paul Beran